Thursday, February 16, 2012

Vancouver is for the Rich

Ok, so I'm showing my age, but I can remember back to 1986 when Expo 86 happened in Vancouver. Those six months were great, even better than the 2010 winter olympics in my opinion.
Before 1986 Vancouver was considered a picturesque, sleepy west coast city. After Expo the rest of the world knew our secret and have come flocking into Vancouver causing high population density and high property values.
For instance a certain home I know that was assessed at $70,000 in 1986 is now assessed at over $1,000,000. No improvements done to the home it is actually a tear down but valued at over 10 times it's 1986 assessment! Some
may call this progress but to me it's making Vancouver become a mini New York city. But wait, that isn't what people originally liked about Vancouver and attracted them here. Hey we even have the most expensive street parking in North America.
Personally I don't like what is happening to this city. The ambiance that made Vancouver so unique is changing it's face forever. Vancouver is for the rich.

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