Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cellphones are Antisocial

I was on the 99 B-line bus today and I counted at least 15 people texting, speaking or listening to music on their cellphones.

It's amazing how our culture has changed. Fifteen years ago if you saw someone walking down the street talking to themselves you'd figure that someone was disturbed. Today you'd think nothing of it, that someone is most likely using a Bluetooth and talking on their cellphone.

The tools that help us communicate also seem to be the ones that isolate. Cellphones can help us be antisocial. We are in danger of missing out on conversations and relationships when our focus is on that little electronic device in our hands. Hey I'm guilty of it right now, as I blog on my iPhone.

Next time you're on a bus or in a movie line up take a look around, you'll see plenty of people using their devices. Be a rebel start up a conversation with someone next to you. You never know you might find your next best friend.

Just say "hello".

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